About Me

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We have recently applied and been successful in getting jobs at 'Amano Christian' School in Chingola, Zambia. Since getting married we have been praying about the possibility of working abroad and we now feel the timing and opportunity is right. So what will we be doing? Jona is going to be teaching science and Kerry is going to be doing youth work amongst girls in the dorms. We will be leaving in September. We would love for you to keep up to date with what we're up to!

Saturday 1 October 2011

We are here!! woop

Hello All!
Sorry it has taken a while to get on to update the blog but the internet at the school is verrrrry slow and a lot of sites are blocked from the students so we have decided to invest in a USB stick for the internet and 1GB of use.

The journey here on Tues/Wed was nearly 24hrs in total and we are still recovering really. But it was a good journey and we arrived safely and miraculously with all of our luggage (we were a little worried as there were 2 stops). We arrived in Lusaka and were then flown to Chingola in a VERY tiny aircraft. It could only fit 4 people in and we had to leave some of our luggage behind in the guest house.

 These are the pilots sat directly in front of us!! argh
Thank you to those who were praying abut my fear of flying- despite some bumpy bits it was all ok.

We finally arrived at the school and it looks fantastic! The people who set it up have obviously really thought it through. There is 500 acres of land owned by the school (land is cheap here!) but obviously the school is only on one small part of that. They hope to use the land to bring in revenue at some point.
The flat that we have been given is at the end of the girls of the girls dormitory and is really lovely. We already feel at home here.
 Veranda outside our flat

Jona has already started teaching at the school including covering English Literature! haha. I have found that my role will be doing more pastoral care in the girls dorm but to start with I will be on a rota of waking at 5.45am to wake the girls and taking care of them when they are not at school.

I will write more when I can. Please stay in touch as it is lovely to hear news from home.


  1. Very pleased that you got there safely. That's a lovely looking flat. 5.45 am !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Rachel x

  2. Really glad to hear you got there safe and sound and that you've settled in so fast.

    can't wait to hear more of your adventures there :)

    Liz & Ray xxx

  3. Really glad you and your luggage got their ok, the flat looks lovely. Take care and can't wait to hear more xxx

    Lots of love

    Jessie and Harvey

  4. heya!! WoWeeee I am praying for you both in this new adventure...you may be far away but not in our hearts XXX helen

  5. Oh wow, lovely pictures! So pleased the jorney went well and you both there safe. Thinking of you all the time and miss you already : ) All our love, Vicky, Ryan and Tristan xxx

  6. Hi Mate, just read your email then checked out your blog; sounds incredible. Wish I had the guts to do something like that.

    Hope you settle in well and have fun; I'll send you an email update soon too and I'll be looking to catch up on your blog updates.

    Love and Best Wishes, Al and Ana

  7. Hi

    Glad your journey went well...think your very brave to even get in that plane :)Flat looks lovely i'm impressed.

    Take care both of your

    Ros x

  8. Your flat looks lovely, I'm glad you feel at home there. I hope you build really good relationships with the girls there.
    Praying for you both
    Jema xxx


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