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We have recently applied and been successful in getting jobs at 'Amano Christian' School in Chingola, Zambia. Since getting married we have been praying about the possibility of working abroad and we now feel the timing and opportunity is right. So what will we be doing? Jona is going to be teaching science and Kerry is going to be doing youth work amongst girls in the dorms. We will be leaving in September. We would love for you to keep up to date with what we're up to!

Thursday 13 October 2011

Settling in :-)

Really cannot believe that we have now been here for 2 weeks. However, in many ways it actually feels as though we have been here longer.
We are now really settling into our new routines and getting more used to Zambian life (although I'm not too sure I will ever get quite used to the early mornings!)
Although Jona doesn't start a full timetable until after half term he has been covering peoples lessons and invigilating exams. Most of the older secondaries have exams at the moment and the 12th graders are sitting their IGCSE's before leaving in November. I am so surprised to see how much studying is going on. One of the girls even asked to be woken at 4am to study!! eek!

Last weekend was my first weekend on duty (I'm on every other weekend) and it was really full on! Up at 6.30am and entertaining primary girls for most of the day. But it was lots of fun- we made pancakes, cookies, played volleyball and did crafts.The girls are allowed to watch a movie on Saturday evenings and took great delight giggling at 'Mrs Kerry' who was nodding off during the movie! haha.
Me and 2 of the primary girls :-)

Jona and I are realising that it can be quite isolated because we are pretty much always onsite unless someone offers to take us into town. We are praying about the possibilty of going halves on a vehicle with a guy called Jarrett- a youth worker from America. This would really help us to be more independant and get off site every now and again. However, on Monday we took a walk on site at Amano towards a farmhouse where some staff live (the site is 500 acres so plenty of space for walking)  and we were so happy to see some monkeys in the trees eating the fruits!! We tried to get some pictures but they didn't seem to happy about this and we didn't want to get attacked! lol. Apparently they will happily steal food out of your hands if you have any.

Yesterday I went to town again to do some food shopping and am still shocked at the price of food here. Most food is either the same price as England or higher and yet Zambian salaries are so much lower! Our local supermarket!

Next week is half term so we are both looking forward to not having to get up so early! We are also hoping to do a bit more exploring of the local area. Thank you to everyone who continues to support us and make this all possible and it's really been great hearing from friends and family at home


  1. Keep up the photos its lovely to be able to see where you are and what you are doing :) love u guys!! Heather xxxxxxxxx

  2. Great to hear all is well and you haven't been eaten by anything hungry! Love the blog so please keep posting.
    U Tony.

  3. Love to read the blog and hear all about your adventures. Erin & R-J

  4. Hope you both have a good half term. Loved the photo of the lightning! Enjoying hearing about your new experiences,don't think I would like the shopping if there aren't any bargains :). love Trish

  5. You know you're loved.
    You know you're in our prayers,
    You know we won't forget you.
    Most of all, you know the One who loves you more than any other, will Himself answer not only prayer but provide your every need whether requested or no and will never leave you or forget you...to do so would be to deny His very own words are true. Love always...Scott n Cally

  6. Milan asked to pray for "Barney and Jon and Kerry" the other night!! So we did (especially for Barney), and he keeps talking about BArney... he clearly made a BIG impression.. just to let you know that we are praying for you and reading your posts with delight..xxxLara


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