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We have recently applied and been successful in getting jobs at 'Amano Christian' School in Chingola, Zambia. Since getting married we have been praying about the possibility of working abroad and we now feel the timing and opportunity is right. So what will we be doing? Jona is going to be teaching science and Kerry is going to be doing youth work amongst girls in the dorms. We will be leaving in September. We would love for you to keep up to date with what we're up to!

Wednesday 5 October 2011

First Week!

Cannot believe we have now been here a week. It actually feels like we have been here a lot longer.
We have been shocked that the rainy season has already begun, the locals say that it normally begins in November. On Monday night there was a big thunder and lightning storm. Jona sat on the veranda videoing some of the lightning. I have had to take a picture of the still pic which is why my reflection is in the pic but it gives an idea of how bad the lightning is. And we have been told that this storm was very mild! eek.

However the temperature is still very hot (around 30 degrees) so hot rain! lol.

The first week here has been great and we feeling we are now beginning to settle in very well and get to know people. However, it has also been a bit of a roller coaster ride. There is a lot to get used to; We are having to get used to all the many different cultures- there are many nationalities amongst the pupils and volunteers all with different ways of doing things. We are also having to get used to our timetables and what our roles entail which has at times been confusing. We are slowly getting to know the pupils but I sense it might take a while.There are obviously a lot of volunteers coming and going and I sense that the pupils have experienced getting close to volunteers who then leave 6-12 months later. I think they are weary of getting close to new people. But over time this will come...

We have now had the opportunity to visit Chingola, we have discovered we will only be able to go as and when people offer to take us because it is too far and dangerous to walk!
The good news is that we are millionaires in Kwacha! £1.00=7,500 Kwacha. It's quite funny when you draw out say £100 from the cashpoint because the wad of money is humungous and they have no coins at all here!

We now have Zambian mobile numbers if anyone would like to stay in touch via text

Jona- 0961175770

Thanks to everyone who has been in touch- it is great to hear news from home.


  1. Hey You Guy's!

    Oh my goodness look at that storm! I would ahve been shacking in my boots, I mean flip flops!!

    So happy to hear your are both settling in all the more with every passing day. All good things in time they say so keeping goiing strong!

    If only that wad of money was English Pounds!

    Lots of love, V,R & T xxxx

  2. WOW what a storm looks amazing! Hope u doing ok...thinking of you sooooo much. love the blog, great to know what you're up to! Take care, God Bless, love & prayers xxxxx

  3. heya jona and kerry!! It sounds like things are slowly starting to take shape... the weather and currency are, im sure, a few of the things you are having to get used to! its great to have these updates. Im thinkin of you and praying and as you keep going day by day the pieces of the puzzle will begin to show a picture...who knows what amazing colors will be revealed :) helen X

  4. oh hectic.. the storm must have been majestic and frightening all at once... In time you both will be African storm pros!! Lovely to hear and see what life is like there... you both are amazing blessings... all our Love Lara and Michiel

  5. Hello from Downing Ct!!!!

    The 'fwfwr' was a test comment! lol
    Lovely to read your updates and its great to hear your both doing well!

    Jane xxx


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