About Me

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We have recently applied and been successful in getting jobs at 'Amano Christian' School in Chingola, Zambia. Since getting married we have been praying about the possibility of working abroad and we now feel the timing and opportunity is right. So what will we be doing? Jona is going to be teaching science and Kerry is going to be doing youth work amongst girls in the dorms. We will be leaving in September. We would love for you to keep up to date with what we're up to!

Monday 17 October 2011

Half Term!

It is now VERY quiet here in the dorm as it is half term and all of the borders have gone home. Jona has been busy marking lots of exam papers and is quite shocked at how good their grades are! Not quite the same as his school in the U.K!
We have been enjoying the weather (well from inside) because the temperature is about 34-36 degrees. It is really too hot to leave the house before 3pm and we are getting into the routine of having a siesta.

Last weekend we had a local family over for lunch which was great, Marina (The lady in the middle) works in the kitchen at Amano and has already named me her 'White Daughter' so it was lovely to meet the rest of her family.

I think they were curious about the 'Muzungu' (white persons) food that I had cooked (lasagne) and also the fact that I laid the table with knives and forks as they would normally use their hands, but it was an interesting experience for them....

We have decided that we are going to have Bemba lessons (Bemba being the local language) once a week. Although most people here speak English we feel it is respectful to learn the language and show that we have a real interest in the culture. This will also help our experiences in town and travelling about, if we can speak Bemba people will realise that we're not just tourists!

Today we are off into town to try and acquire some forms for driving licenses to get the process in motion. Apparently it can be a verrry slow process so we'll see... Apparently no one passes first time as it helps to generate government revenue! hmmm..


  1. Hi
    looks like things are exciting there . I am at home poorly hence having time to lay in bed and reply at mid day ! I pleased to hear your enjoying all your challenges.

    Take Care

    Ros x

  2. Hi Muzungu, glad all is going well. Following blog with great interest. Wait untill your new friends see how we celebrate Christmas! Loads of love Richard and Chris and all the others. XXX

  3. Look forward to a Bemba blog ( with translation!). Glad it's going well. Love T&D x

  4. alright there!!LOVE the dress...aww the colours are so great in that photo. Thats cool that you're gonna learn the local language...have you learnt any funny phrases??!! ;)sending MUCH love your way XXXXXX helen XXXX


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