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We have recently applied and been successful in getting jobs at 'Amano Christian' School in Chingola, Zambia. Since getting married we have been praying about the possibility of working abroad and we now feel the timing and opportunity is right. So what will we be doing? Jona is going to be teaching science and Kerry is going to be doing youth work amongst girls in the dorms. We will be leaving in September. We would love for you to keep up to date with what we're up to!

Sunday 30 October 2011

A good weekend!

I am pleased to say that Jona taught lessons last week at the school and all went well :-) He is enjoying it :-)
I am getting back into the swing of dorm life and am enjoying getting to know some of the girls better.

This weekend has been great! There was an inter schools table tennis and chess tournament hosted here yesterday. There were 2 other schools coming but unfortunately one school pulled out so it was turned into a friendly. It was good fun but also quite competitive (I never table tennis could be so serious!).

The table tennis was one of the first sporting events to take place in 'The Barn'; a big building which once completed (I think it has been in process for about 3 years or so) will double up to be a sports hall and a school canteen. The school can't currently take any more pupils because there isn't the facilities to cook/cater for them  so hopefully when this building is complete the amount of pupils might also enlarge. I think the work is slow progress because of man power and resources but once it is completed I think it will make a big difference to school life.

Yesterday evening we also had our first 'cross cultural training' session with Mr Pflaum; a missionary who has been working in Zambia for over 30 years. It was great to reflect upon the cultural differences and history of Zambia. Also helped us to learn how to try and be sensitive to Zambian culture. We really enjoyed the evening and it was made even better by Hotdogs and Cake :-)

Today Jona has attended a local Bemba church in Chingola and I was delighted to hear that he had had to go up to the front of the church with some of the German volunteers and sing to the congregation in German!! He wasn't expecting this surprise! hehe. But he said it was great to hear people singing in Bemba and dancing :-)
I attended our regular church (Bethel Chapel) and was glad I did as the sermon was brilliant and really spoke to me. Mr Grove spoke about trusting in God despite your circustatnces.
After church, I went to Marina and Roberta's house (there is a picture of these ladies in a previous blog). I was invited for lunch and really enjoyed the more traditional Zambian dining complete with Nshima (local Maize dish). We also enjoyed some dancing and was sooo lovely to relax in the sunshine and watch the amazing views.

So overall, it's been a great week here in Zambia!

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