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We have recently applied and been successful in getting jobs at 'Amano Christian' School in Chingola, Zambia. Since getting married we have been praying about the possibility of working abroad and we now feel the timing and opportunity is right. So what will we be doing? Jona is going to be teaching science and Kerry is going to be doing youth work amongst girls in the dorms. We will be leaving in September. We would love for you to keep up to date with what we're up to!

Saturday 2 November 2013

Where did October go?

Wow, I am shocked to log on to our blog and find that I haven't posted since 9th October! This month has gone in the blink of an eye! But what a fantastic month it has been filled with activities, events, praising, reflecting, laughing, joking (mainly jona!), friendship....
For us it has been and still is a strange time, we came back from half term on Monday with the thoughts of '5 weeks to go' looming in the back of our minds. We strive to make the most of each day, embrace each moment and person, and squeeze the life out of the remainder of our time here at Amano. But the thought still remains and it gets harder and harder each day to comprehend that we will be saying goodbye at the end of this term. But as I was saying to the youth group on Thursday night 'One step at a time'.....
I have recently been reading a book called 'Just Enough Light For the Step I'm On' by Stormie O'Martian. It's been great to reflect on the truth that God is in control and trusting Him for each step of the way. I LOVED this quote; 'It's a more certain proposition to follow the Lord, not knowing where you're going, than to think you know where you're going and you're not following the Lord'. So as we start to think about jobs, money, where we will live back in the UK we both have a deep sense of peace and trust even though things are still quite uncertain.

I think there's just sooo much that has happened in the last month that I will just upload lots of pictures and captions of October highlights!
Cake Sculpting Competition at youth group!

The Eiffel (eye-full!!) Tower

The Winning Cake!

Ants Everywhere!! Argh. We have ants invading our trailer all the timmmmeeee, stealing our sugar at night!!!

2 of the most beautiful people in the world! My friend Hilda and Grandson Baby Harold...

PTA Cake Sale and Car Wash!

Car Wash....aka Amano Water Fight!!

On the road to Kitwe...
We went shopping with the Grade 12's for their graduation dresses. Sometimes we take the roads/landscape for granted so thought I would upload some general pics of surroundings.

Bit Wobbly! You can't see from here but this trucks numberplate was 'Spiderman'. haha
Inter-house Girls Rounders on Thursday! 

Interhouse Primary Benchball...


Smoothie Making at Youth Group

Youth Group in The Banana House

Playing a mad game of 'Wiggly Worms' at youth group!

Today, Jon went off to watch the boys playing Cricket and THEY WON! I hope to upload some of the pics asap.
And I have been on duty in the dorm. We have had a great day putting up the xmas decs, dressing up and singing along to xmas music (a little weird when it's 30 degrees!)...
Christmas Hats (Kind of...)

YaY! Our dorm Xmas Tree!

Haha our very own Mrs Clause (with a beard!!)

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