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We have recently applied and been successful in getting jobs at 'Amano Christian' School in Chingola, Zambia. Since getting married we have been praying about the possibility of working abroad and we now feel the timing and opportunity is right. So what will we be doing? Jona is going to be teaching science and Kerry is going to be doing youth work amongst girls in the dorms. We will be leaving in September. We would love for you to keep up to date with what we're up to!

Saturday 28 July 2012

Zebra's, Sports, Music, Killing chickens and more Sport!!

Thought I would start this post with a few more pics of our amazing trip to Nsobe in the half term (beginning of July)

Since Half term we have had a very jam packed half of term! Can't believe my cousin has already been and gone, a month passed so incredibly quickly!!

Beginning of July we had the primary 10-step athletics where 4 others schools came to Amano to join in with skipping, throwing, high jump, running and lots more! All staff members got involved- it was a BRILLIANT atmosphere. Unfortunately Amano didn't come in first but it was great fun.

The students were all involved in a school production, organised by parents and students! They performed 'Around the World in 80 minutes'. The whole performance was outside with the audience in the centre watching the journey through different countries happening all around us.- lots of amazing dancing and acting! 

Don't have any photos at the moment but hope to get some asap.

We've had some lovely times recently in the girls dorm- lots of girly fun! We had another pamper day recently with the products donated by my Mum and her workmates (Thank you)!

And some limbo fun with the primaries!!

Last weekend we had another beautiful sunny day for secondary sports day. It was Amano Secondary students competing against each other. Again all the staff got involved and it was another great day!!

Last week was a sad week for us as we said goodbye to the German volunteers who have been helping in the girls dorm, boys dorm, school and building site! Miriam and Tanja (helping in the girls dorm) were here when we first arrived and really helped me to settle into the dorm. It was sooo sad to say goodbye and scary to think that we have nearly been here a year already!! wow!! It has also been a hard few weeks here in the dorm without the volunteers helping out.

Today, Jon went to give out some clothing donations at a local church, he decided to take some students along too. I will ask him to blog soon and write about it. But I was shocked when they returned with a live chicken in the minibus. It was given as a thank you present from the receiving church!! One of the local ladies killed it for us and the girls cut it up so we can eat it for our supper tomorrow! (Photo's to follow)! Not sure if I will now go back to being a vegetarian after seeing the head chopped off. eek!!

We have one week left now until August holidays-can't believe how time is flying so fast.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Kerry and Jona
    wonderful pics here on your blog! It's looks all good fun, but we guess you are having a pretty stressful time at the moment with lots of work and not enough people to do it. I am so glad holiday is coming for you - time for you to step back and review the situation. praying for you - have a great holiday. love from Richard and Sabine


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