About Me

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We have recently applied and been successful in getting jobs at 'Amano Christian' School in Chingola, Zambia. Since getting married we have been praying about the possibility of working abroad and we now feel the timing and opportunity is right. So what will we be doing? Jona is going to be teaching science and Kerry is going to be doing youth work amongst girls in the dorms. We will be leaving in September. We would love for you to keep up to date with what we're up to!

Sunday 8 July 2012

Lots of Holiday Fun!!

Sorry that it has taken us so long to update our blog recently! Been very busy. We had a BRILLIANT half term. The first few days we spent getting work duties out the way. Jon has been busy writing reports and planning lessons. Kerry was busy tidying the dorm and getting ready for the next half of term. On the Tuesday of half term (26th) we went to the church on Solwezi road to give out donations. I managed to safely drive the whole way, it was quite out in the bush. We were very surprised when the WHOLE church came to greet us with dancing and singing. There was a short church service and then we gave out the donations. It was a little difficult as some of the women and children were arguing over what they wanted!! Eek! Next time, we would like some of the students of Amano to come with us and perhaps build a link with this local community.
 Me driving to the church!
On the way!!

On the Wednesday we had the long old trip up to Lusaka, but thankfully we travelled smoothly and were delighted to arrive at ‘Stay Easy’ in Lusaka, a hotel much like a Holiday Inn in England. In a way it was nice to have some home comforts and we even got to eat a KFC at the mall opposite the hotel! Woop. We had a lovely few days of rest just reading books and watching some football.
                                                        On the BUs to Lusaka!!
                                                     Stay Easy Hotel- Verry posh!!

On Friday 29th my Cousin Lauren arrived into Lusaka airport and she thankfully arrived safely. It is really lovely to have a family member visiting and she has really got stuck in with life in Zambia.
Me and Lauren enjoying a yummy treat in Lusaka!

We arrived back (after a verrrrry long and interesting journey!!) at Amano only to depart again on Saturday for Nsobe Game Park. We were keen to show Lauren some African wildlife. Unfortunately the game park had double booked our accommodation at the last minute, so they changed us to a bush camp in the middle of the game reserve. I had been a bit annoyed but it turned out to be an AMAZING blessing. It was a 5km drive from the main camp and was completely isolated and exclusive. But the 5 chalets were incredible.
 Sunset on the lake (with Jon's fishing boat in view-unfortunately no fish though! hehe)
Toilet with a view!!!

 The bathrooms were all outside with a view into the forest! In the evening we were able to sit outide around the camp fire and watch the Zebra’s and other animals feeding from the trough. It was truly an amazing experience. There was Jon, Lauren and I and 5 other friends. We really had great fun; game drive, massages, lieing in the sun, singing around the camp fire. The perfect holiday. If only it could have lasted longer!

We started back at school on Wednesday. It has been great seeing all the children once again J
On Thursday night we had a ‘Creative Prayer’ night. We set up 10 different creative prayer stations with creative ways of praying. It was nice to have something different and the young people seemed to really enjoy the time to be still and reflect (photo’s coming soon)!
Yesterday we had 4 other schools join us here at Amano for the Primary ’10 step’ athletics competition. It was a great day involving lots of skipping, hopping and throwing. Lots of staff got involved and although Amano didn’t win it was still a brilliant event!

Hope you are all well, we love hearing from home so let us know how things are with you!


  1. Jessie, Harvey and piggle9 July 2012 at 06:47

    Hey! Sounds like your having a great time still and are keeping very busy. Glad Lauren made it there ok. Sending our love to all of you - 3 Weeks and 3 days until baby piggle is due!
    Take care of each other. Love you xx

  2. heya kery and jona...OH my what a marvelous holiday you had. That must have been interesting going to a rural church as well. will be thinking of you at the start of this new term XXx helen X

  3. Hi
    Hope you're all well, sounds wonderful out there, wish we could come and see you. Wedding over and now Dan and Hayley are engaged, wedding set for March 2014. Say happy 18th to Lauren for us.
    Love you all
    Auntie Chris and uncle Richard


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