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We have recently applied and been successful in getting jobs at 'Amano Christian' School in Chingola, Zambia. Since getting married we have been praying about the possibility of working abroad and we now feel the timing and opportunity is right. So what will we be doing? Jona is going to be teaching science and Kerry is going to be doing youth work amongst girls in the dorms. We will be leaving in September. We would love for you to keep up to date with what we're up to!

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Lots happening!

Had a verrry busy few weeks but lots of exciting things going on :-)
Last week at T4:12 we had a 'Difficult Questions' Evening. Over the past month we have encouraged the young people to anonymously write down their difficult questions about Christianity, things which maybe they have felt unable to ask in the past.
We invited 10 different members of staff to come and make up 3 panels who would attempt to help answer these questions and facilitate discussion with the young people who were in small groups.
Glad to say that Jarrett and I made up the 'Cake Panel', where young people could come for a break to eat cake :-)

Last Friday Jon went away with some pupils for sports and returned on Saturday. A 5 hour drive!! The girls had qualified for a netball tournament. They competed well and got to the semi finals :-)
On Sunday we had 'Rock Of Hope' Sunday School and was sad to say goodbye to Miss Rachel, a school teacher who will be returning to Ireland in April. The older primaries did well in preparing for a drama about 'encouraging others' for the evening service.
Finally managed to get a picture of the young people at Sunday School :-)

This Friday we are having a'Swim-a-thon' Fundraising event where the students will be swimming overall for 12 hours. They will be in teams and will each have to do a stint in the water (they don't have to stay in for 12 hours!) but at any one time there will be somebody from their team in the pool.
Jona and I will be going along for the day and will also be swimming to raise funds.
The funds raised will go towards a swimming pool for the school. At the moment the school are using a very tiny pool in the local village but it is not ideal.
Some of the local mining companies and other companies have pledged charitable donations towards helping the vision of a swimming pool but we still need to raise funds.
If anyone would like to sponsor Jona and I and the pupils for our swimming efforts then please let me know and I can forward you the giving details for the school.

Can't believe there's only 11 days until we return to the UK- woop!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey let us know when you're in Bude and we'll try and get up to rob you of an hour of your precious time. I'm away from April 9-13 on a Christians Against Poverty Discovery Break. WHOOP! so excited! Love you both...Scott and Cally x x x x


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