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We have recently applied and been successful in getting jobs at 'Amano Christian' School in Chingola, Zambia. Since getting married we have been praying about the possibility of working abroad and we now feel the timing and opportunity is right. So what will we be doing? Jona is going to be teaching science and Kerry is going to be doing youth work amongst girls in the dorms. We will be leaving in September. We would love for you to keep up to date with what we're up to!

Saturday 28 September 2013

Hot Hot Hot

Indeed welcome to this latest entry of our time in Zambia. As I write it is a warm 360C, almost any activities result in profuse sweating. It was nice because yesterday we had a swim which is very refreshing in this weather.

painting play ground 
Over the last 2 weeks we have had amazing experiences and some very thought provoking times. Jona (Me) went to a collection of Christian schools conference in Kitwe and did a seminary on science enquiry, it is nervier talking to adults as I am more used to kiddies. However the talks were extremely thought provoking to me, the 1st seminary was about the need to Christian education and I was shocked at the statistics that in Southern Africa the class teacher to student ratio is 1:80, with the teachers only present 50% of the time and out of all those who pass their final exams in Grade 12 only 14% get jobs in formal employment. On reflection some huge challenges to student due to the system that they are in, similarly the other 2 seminary proved equally thought provoking and challenged by mindset of what it means by Christ centered education.
Straight after the conference, the next day we left for FCE Masaiti with the Grade 10 and 11 Students. For one the students had a great time and so did we. The four teachers who went all commented that at some point they felt like very proud parents. I am sad that I cannot share all the experience we saw and experienced but will share a few highlights.

We started with the obstacle course which me and Kerry both agonizingly took part in and it was a great experience for all to learn that in life we need to work in a team and to encourage and support it looked like a small course but was indeed a hard challenge.

On the 2nd day we went to Ibenga market and the student we each given 5 kwatcha which is equivalent to $1, we wanted to highlight the fact that many of the families from the village that we were situated very close to lived on $1 a day or less for all their meals. The way they spent the money was intriguing some headed straight for a coke and this took half their money straight way, to quench their thirst and provided some much needed sugar after digging in the fields prior to the market. While other collaborated and pooled their money together to provide a bigger meal. See a classic photo of Kerry’s group using a pen to put peanut butter on bread J

The 3rd day we could see that the kids were still high spirited but were getting more tired and they had another day full of some activities and a massive surprise for them later on. In the morning they had did various projects and later in the afternoon leading various sports activities. And THEN at lunch we dropped a bomb shell on them!!! Not literally lol we had told them that after the sports they were heading off with a student from the school to spend the evening with them. I think the hardest think was a) to get to grips with the fact they were spending the night in the village and b) that they could not come back and have a shower however they could in the village if they collected their own water and heated it.  The responses were a mixture of disbelief and amazement and this was definitely out of their comfort zones. All they had to take was a sleeping bag and toiletries with a change of clothes.  They learnt a lot from this experience, my time in the village was very welcoming and basic too. But the family that hosted us were tremendously welcoming and kind to share the best they had out of their poverty.  Later in the evening we sat around the fire singing and dancing, till about 11 pm and then slowly drifted off to sleep. It was a terrific time and secretly the students enjoyed it even though they won’t admit it.

There are many many more stories I wish I could share with you and fully explain what an amazing time we all had. Currently Kerry in working in the dorm and I am working on completing this year’s year book. It is crazy how time is doing by so fast!!! Already 4 weeks have gone by and next week we have 8 people being baptized and them iGCSE exams start for Grade 12’s.        


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