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We have recently applied and been successful in getting jobs at 'Amano Christian' School in Chingola, Zambia. Since getting married we have been praying about the possibility of working abroad and we now feel the timing and opportunity is right. So what will we be doing? Jona is going to be teaching science and Kerry is going to be doing youth work amongst girls in the dorms. We will be leaving in September. We would love for you to keep up to date with what we're up to!

Sunday 28 April 2013

'Kafunta' meaning CRAZY!

Wow Wow Wow, What an amazing, unforgettable safari we had last week at South Luangwa National Park. We set off bright and early Monday morning to catch our hour long flight to Mfuwe; thankfully the plane wasn't as small as we thought (approx 30 seats) and after passing through the dodgy security gates, where a loud beeping sound goes completely unnoticed, we excitedly boarded the plane filled with other keen safari goers- many we later discovered were also staying at Kafunta lodge. None of us were quite expecting the awe-inspiring, incredible birds eye view of Zambia's landscape, which consists of miles and miles of complete wilderness with little sign of human life. We were blessed with a clear blue sky and were able to snap a few pictures (on the way back  it was overcast!!)

We then had an hours drive on the safari jeep winding through the local villages on the beautiful mud red African roads! Mum said it was an overwhelming bombardment on her senses as she struggled in the 30 degree heat, taking in all the bright colours, wildlife, landscape, African life that sprawled along the edge of the streets, new language, sounds....

We were delighted to arrive to a friendly welcome at the lodge but more pleased to receive a cold wet flannel each and an iced tea! We were all quite staggered by the service of the staff and the overall high standard of hospitality and accommodation considering we were in the middle of the bush. It was truly a blessing to us all.
view from the edge of the pool

Not much time to catch our breath before we were off on the road for our first safari drive. With anticipation and excitement we were not disappointed as we swung around the first corner of the bush out into a breathtaking open plain filled with baboons and impala...even if that had been all we saw it would have certainly been enough!! But much to our amazement, we saw animal after animal...elephants, zebras,  giraffes, buffalo, monitor lizard, puku, birds of every kind....

We had 8 hours of sarafi a day so got to see LOTS of wildlife and scenery, this mixed with time to relax by the pool, indulge in the natural hot tub and lots of yummmmy food made for an unforgettable holiday!



  1. wow would so love to have been there
    glad you hear your both well
    love liz and ray x

  2. Beautiful to see Mum enjoying the adventure too! Scally xx


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