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We have recently applied and been successful in getting jobs at 'Amano Christian' School in Chingola, Zambia. Since getting married we have been praying about the possibility of working abroad and we now feel the timing and opportunity is right. So what will we be doing? Jona is going to be teaching science and Kerry is going to be doing youth work amongst girls in the dorms. We will be leaving in September. We would love for you to keep up to date with what we're up to!

Monday 25 February 2013

Is that a real snake?

So we are well and truly into the second half of this term... and what a great few weeks we have had here at Amano!
We ended half term with a staff braai on our veranda. Thankfully the storms held off and we were able to enjoy our burgers in peace :-) Was really great to have all staff together in one place at the same time! The terms seem to slip by with most staff being extremely busy so to all gather at once is a real treat!

The first weekend back was our 'annual cook off'; based on the idea of TV programme 'Ready Steady Cook' the grade 11&12 boys and girls go head to head in preparing and cooking a main meal. They each get a list of the same ingredients which they can choose from. The boys were cooking at Mr Jarrett's house and the girls a combination of the tiny trailer kitchen and the banana house with Miss Kerry. They each had 2 hours to cook and then we all joined back together to enjoy each others cooking and let the judges decide!

The evening was filled with lots of yummy food from both teams but in the end the girls won it again with their creativity, appearance and taste!

This term, the girls dorm have been busy busy trying to fundraise for a Girls dorm day out! They have been busy baking cakes to sell at school and cleaning staff houses to add up the kwacha for a trip out to Nsobe Game Park in Ndola. They worked extremely hard and raised enough to go on the weekend!
We set off nice and early at 7am for the 2 and bit hour drive. We had a great morning of snake viewing (and handling!), canoeing and swimming. Followed by lunch in the restaurant of burgers and chips. Then we had a rather non-eventful game drive around the park (although there was fierce competition between the male staff and girls of who could spot the most animals!). To put the icing on the cake we stopped off at local shopping mall for an icecream! Such a great day out and a real treat for the girls (and staff!) to get off site and have a treat :-)

Jon and I are both healthy and happy and enjoying life here at Amano :-)

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