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We have recently applied and been successful in getting jobs at 'Amano Christian' School in Chingola, Zambia. Since getting married we have been praying about the possibility of working abroad and we now feel the timing and opportunity is right. So what will we be doing? Jona is going to be teaching science and Kerry is going to be doing youth work amongst girls in the dorms. We will be leaving in September. We would love for you to keep up to date with what we're up to!

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Outside, Inside!!

We are nearly at the end of our first week of the term. It has been busy but really good to get back into routine and see all the young people again.
But we seem to have had an eventful week in terms bugs/insects and furry little rodents.
This week Monday I started a morning running routine (at 6am!!!) with our caravan neighbour Lukondo, all went well up until the end of our run which resulted in lots of screaming and a swift run home as I ran into a verrrry large spiders web spanning our path; the worst bit being that seconds before running into the web I had spotted the HUGE furry eight legged friend out of the corner of my eye but by that time it was too late to spot!!
Tuesday I was on early morning wake up duty in the dorm. I had started to prepare breakfast and was pouring some cereals into bowls for the girls. We have 2 plastic containers to keep the cereal in and this week we had been given an extra cereal called 'Jungle Oats' which was in a small bag. I noticed it had already been opened the morning before and left on the side but thought nothing of it until as I started to pour, instead of the cereal coming out, out popped a little MOUSEs head! arghhhh. Wow, did I scream!! I think the mouse was more scared of me than I was of it! I dropped the oats and the mouse proceeded to run around my feet trying to find a place to hide. Poor Jon had heard the scream all the way from the caravan and had thought it was Lukondo in danger!! Uh oh.
By this point I was becoming rather paranoid of everything that moved!
Then to top it all off, yesterday I went across to the dorm to do a few things and Jon said he wanted to take a short nap because he was exhausted. When I returned from the dorm Jon was far from asleep as we had had a trail of army ants (huge ants which bite!) dropping from the air conditioning box thing (which is directly above our bed) which Jon had discovered as he was bitten during his nap! Thankfully we had recently brought a can of bug spray!! Jon then went outside to see where they were coming from outside without realising that he had stood directly in the centre of where they were all gathered (he said it was like a carpet of ants outside the van); this equalled lots of ants climbing up his trouser leg which resulted in a quick dash to strip off! lol. What a performance! Later in the evening I was taking a shower when I heard Jon scream, only to find out he literally had an ant in his pants!

So let's hope that's our fair share of bugs for this term although I doubt it :-)

The rains are very heavy here at the moment and Wednesday night there was a BIG storm. We had a lovely (although slightly scary) time sitting on our veranda watching the lightning and hearing the thunder and rain! What an incredible moment to be able to experience!

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