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We have recently applied and been successful in getting jobs at 'Amano Christian' School in Chingola, Zambia. Since getting married we have been praying about the possibility of working abroad and we now feel the timing and opportunity is right. So what will we be doing? Jona is going to be teaching science and Kerry is going to be doing youth work amongst girls in the dorms. We will be leaving in September. We would love for you to keep up to date with what we're up to!

Thursday 20 September 2012

Football, squash and jousting!!

Sorry it has been a while since we last blogged, term is now well under way and we are busily back into the swing of things! I can't believe that we have nearly been back 3 weeks already..time is flying!

The first weekend we were back Jon went to meet his brother Rob in Ndola and they went to watch Zambia vs Uganda at the new(ish) football stadium. Thankfully Zambia won!!

They had a great time together; it is such a blessing to have a family member close by. We plan to visit his project on October Half Term. Rob continues to work in Mpongwe (about 2 hours from us). You can see his blog at http://www.doingmybusinessinthebush.com/

Life in the dorm is going well so far this term. We have 26 girls and we are currently working hard as a staff team to help create more of a community and family atmosphere. We have made quite a few small changes to ensure that the girls are participating more in dorm duties, including organising activities for Friday evenings. We have introduced a reward system; 'Dorm Points' which is so far going very well!! and we have also tried to introduce a weekly prayer meeting with the girls.

                                                      Baking with the primaries!!

Last weekend Jon and I took the secondary girls into town to play squash! I so wish I had taken my camera as there were some brilliant moments. I'm glad to say that most of the girls are about the same squash playing level as me! enthusiastic but not so good at hitting the ball! We had a great laugh and it was brill to spend time together :-)
Jon has now started to get more involved with dorm life so that we get to see each other a bit more. He is now coming in every tuesday evening. So far it is working out well.

T4:12 (youth group) is still running regularly on Thurday evenings for secondary students. Our theme this term is based around 'God has a plan for your life'; Last week we talked about Courage and tonight I will be talking about having our Identity in Christ. We continue to have lots of loud and silly games; it's great to see the students relax and let their hair down after a busy week of studying, especially as it comes closer to the IGCSE's.
Last week, the young people dressed up one of their team members as knights and then we held a jousting competition! I've not laughed that much in a long time!

This weekend is also a busy one; the grade 12's will host a 'quiz and dinner' night tomorrow to raise funds for their graduation activities and then Sunday 3 students are getting baptised at the Amano Family Worship. Very exciting!!

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