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We have recently applied and been successful in getting jobs at 'Amano Christian' School in Chingola, Zambia. Since getting married we have been praying about the possibility of working abroad and we now feel the timing and opportunity is right. So what will we be doing? Jona is going to be teaching science and Kerry is going to be doing youth work amongst girls in the dorms. We will be leaving in September. We would love for you to keep up to date with what we're up to!

Friday 17 August 2012

happy days :-)

We're having a lovely holiday so far. Really enjoying our time at the farm- so peaceful and relaxing. Last week we spent most of the week catching up with friends, watching the American 'Office' (amazing!) and doing a bit of preperation for next term.

Tuesday was our 2nd wedding anniversary and we enjoyed a very chilled out day which mainly consisted of me getting thrashed at Monopoly again(!) by Jona. We had a mini braai in the evening where Jon cooked us a lovely steak and we ate in the garden :-) We both can't believe that 2years have slipped by so fast...but what a brilliant 2 years it has been :-)

On Wednesday we had an 'interesting' day in Lusaka when we went to try and collect our work permits. It was great that we were able to fly down in one of the little planes, only took 1.5hours as opposed to about 7 on the bus! We arrived at immigration, never been there before and it was a real experience!! lol. I think we spoke to most of the staff members in the building and were back and forth between desks and after approx 3-4 hours we unfortunately left empty handed :-( It seems that they have been misplaced somewhere in the endless stacks of blue files!  So after waiting a year for them, the search goes on!
But we did have a lovely lunch with some friends at a curry place. I had an AMAZING sweet and sour, almost like what you might get in England :-) We had a quick look around a few shops, it's very interesting to see how westernised the shops etc are in Lusaka, it was almost like looking around West Quay in Southampton!

On Thursday Jon and Jarrett spent the morning painting the banana with a white undercoat. It's very exciting to slowly see the banana house taking shape as we prepare for it to become a youth building where we can meet for youth group/discipleship groups/socials etc. We plan to let the young people come up with ideas for what colour it will be and all the interior designs etc. Should be fun :-)

Yesterday Jon went to Ndola to meet his brother who has arrived in Zambia! woop. He will be working just past Ndola for a charity called Kaloko. He will be helping to set up a radio station and doing some business research for them. They came back on public transport and it's really great to have Rob here for the weekend. We went to a friends house last night and had a great evening playing board games and relaxing.

Whilst Jon went to Ndola, I went to Amanda and Sarah to Chingola to see Illona (a primary teacher from the school who has gone on maternity leave). Her baby is called Mumba and is now 4 weeks old. He is soooooo cute and it was great to see Illona looking so well!

Really enjoying our hols so far and happy that today has no schedule apart from reading books and playing squash (for the boys!).


  1. That's gotta be the most amazing restaurant EVER! 2 years and lovin marriage...we're nearly 21 years and still lovin it! Glad you're having a good break...get those batteries charged for September. Love always. Scott and Cally x x x

  2. heya kerry, Im glad to hear you have had a much deserved good break. Still praying for you and for strength as a new term begins. That must have been SOOO lovely to see robs!!! I actually saw dez and brenda yesterday....it is a small world...well sort of ;)we went to weston church and it was like going home, it was so nice to catch up. LOTS OF LOVE TO YOU AND JONA XXXXX


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