About Me

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We have recently applied and been successful in getting jobs at 'Amano Christian' School in Chingola, Zambia. Since getting married we have been praying about the possibility of working abroad and we now feel the timing and opportunity is right. So what will we be doing? Jona is going to be teaching science and Kerry is going to be doing youth work amongst girls in the dorms. We will be leaving in September. We would love for you to keep up to date with what we're up to!

Thursday 10 May 2012

Zambian Birthday!

We have thankfully arrived back safely at Amano. We flew from Heathrow last Wednesday, things were all going well (apart from the fact that they thought we had a hand grenade in our hand luggage! Lol) until we hit Lusaka bus station which is one of the more crazier places we have visited in our lives. As soon as we got out the taxi people were crowding around us shouting ‘Muzungu’ (white person), trying to get us on their buses, trying to take our luggage off us, trying to offer us a taxi and sell us fruit! Was a bit stressful with 4 big suitcases, 2 laptops as well as our hand luggage. We had made an online reservation for a bus to Kitwe but apparently they don’t bother to check their reservations and we found that they had already sold out of tickets for the 10.30am bus (we arrived at 8.30am) so we had to wait it out until 12.30! Bit of a long tired hectic wait. We finally got on a coach with all our luggage still with us!

We had arranged for somebody to pick us up in Kitwe in the afternoon and take us back to the school but because everything was all a lot later she understandably felt it wouldn’t be safe for her to pick us up in the dark because of potholes (and crazy truck drivers) on the road back to the school. SO... we had to stay the night with some friends in Kitwe. But it worked out great- they picked us up from Kitwe bus station (which I think is even more overwhelming than Lusaka!), fed us and had nice hot water!

Finally arrived back at school last Friday- both EXTREMELY exhausted. But so nice to feel welcomed by friends on site J
Saturday was my birthday and we had a lovely day with friends! I opened my prezzies from people who had given them to me in England. Was happy to have a supply of chocolate to keep me going!

We had a gathering for coffee and cake in the afternoon J Jona and Jarrett got their baking hats on and made me a lovely chocolate cake followed by making pizza’s for tea!
They provided me with much entertainment as they made the pizza’s- anyone would think they had been making a complicated gourmet meal!

We enjoyed the pizza’s in the evening at the Kirks house as we caught up and watched football!

The students have now all arrived back and the busyness has begun. But the term has gotten off to a great start and we feel so happy to be here! 

1 comment:

  1. heya KERRY and JONA!!!! AWWW thanks for giving us this update. Sounds like you had a bit of a long journey back... but I am soOO glad you had a fun birthday :) I hope you feel you are settling back in again. Im sure the kids LOVE the crafts you got them. ENJOY the weekend and not getting up early. SENDING MUCH LURVE XXXX helen XXXX


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