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We have recently applied and been successful in getting jobs at 'Amano Christian' School in Chingola, Zambia. Since getting married we have been praying about the possibility of working abroad and we now feel the timing and opportunity is right. So what will we be doing? Jona is going to be teaching science and Kerry is going to be doing youth work amongst girls in the dorms. We will be leaving in September. We would love for you to keep up to date with what we're up to!

Friday 20 January 2012

A good week :-)

We had the first youth group session yesterday at Amano! It was quite a challenge setting it all up because of the lack of space to meet and resources. But we managed to take a corner in the big new school hall and transform it into a comfy cosy meeting place. We pieced together some scraps of carpet that we found (even had to use the rug from our house!) and some cushions we found in a container. Unfortunately there's no lights in the hall so we had to bug the electrician and he managed to set up enough lighting to make it possible. And we found a good speaker for music.
Roughly 35 secondary students came along and it was really good fun and they seemed to be positive about it. Mainly just games and time for them to be with their friends and have fun!
Managed to get some pics but not too good quality

Jona had fun yesterday as he has been helping out at the rugby club, rainy season means that it was absolutely pouring down with rain and he came home covered in mud! This was followed by 5 games of squash which he reported he very narrowly lost "due to the racket of course!" haha. Tomorrow he is going to Ndola to help out with a Volleyball tournament so he's really enjoying the sport life here :-)

We're also starting the new Sunday School this Sunday which the primaries have voted to call 'Rock of Hope' so looking forward to that too!


  1. Brilliant! Love what you're doing...and so does the Lord! ...and RofH to come...WOWEE! you guys are busy. Sow generously and you'll see a great harvest.Yeah! Love you loads...Scott and Cally x x x

  2. you guys are amazing! Your enthusiasm and go-getting spirit are an example to all!
    What a top couple. keep serving your amazing King with your beautiful hearts we love you xx The Bruggemans

  3. Hi Kerry and Jona, this all sounds and looks great. I am sure the kids out there so much appreciate your efforts giving them some fun and useful input outside school hours. you are SO right for this place. love Richard and Sabine

  4. hello kerry! WELL DONE for keeping on enduring and persisting :) Sounds like Jona is going for it too and glad to hear it! let us know how sunday school goes XXXX helen XXX


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