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We have recently applied and been successful in getting jobs at 'Amano Christian' School in Chingola, Zambia. Since getting married we have been praying about the possibility of working abroad and we now feel the timing and opportunity is right. So what will we be doing? Jona is going to be teaching science and Kerry is going to be doing youth work amongst girls in the dorms. We will be leaving in September. We would love for you to keep up to date with what we're up to!

Friday 27 January 2012

Last weekend Jona went with some of the pupils to Ndola to watch them play volleyball- both the boys and the girls team did very well and all had lots of fun :-)
Last weekend I was on duty in the dorm. I had brought some facemasks with me from England and so we had a bit of a pampering/beauty session run by Tanja (one of the volunteers). Was really lovely :-)

Last weekend we also had 'Rock Of Hope' (Sunday School). About 20 children came along both from the dorm and children living on site. It went really well and it was really good to see them interacting and joining in discussions as opposed to having to listen to a long adult talk at church.

This week Jona has been helping out a bit with P.E lessons and unfortunately on Thursday hadn't quite realised how strong the sun was as it seemed a bit overcast-eek! He's now glowing red!!!

We had youth group on Thursday evening again- we were thankful that the rain held off (because you can't hear anybody if the rain hammers on the tin roof) and that the power stayed on! The youth group is optional for the kids but it was great that all of the secondaries chose to come (roughly 40). We voted on a new name and they chose 'T4:12' which represents the bible verse 1 Timothy 4:12 which talk about not letting anyone make you feel unimportant just because your young. We played lots of games and had a very messy demonstration (using old baked beans and gravy) to represent the gospel message. They seemed to really enjoy it :-)

Yesterday we visited immigration and got a 2 month extension on our visa's but were quite shocked to find out that we had to pay an additional 1million Kwacha- roughly 100 pounds as top-up fee's on our visa because of the new government! Eek. Oh well- at least we can stay in the country now!

We now have a nice free weekend together- enjoying doing nothing!! We had some friends over for dinner last night. The guy in yellow is called Jarret who I am working alongside doing youth work. All of the lovely ladies are from Ireland and are a combination of secondary and primary teachers. However, they all leave in April :-(

Friday 20 January 2012

A good week :-)

We had the first youth group session yesterday at Amano! It was quite a challenge setting it all up because of the lack of space to meet and resources. But we managed to take a corner in the big new school hall and transform it into a comfy cosy meeting place. We pieced together some scraps of carpet that we found (even had to use the rug from our house!) and some cushions we found in a container. Unfortunately there's no lights in the hall so we had to bug the electrician and he managed to set up enough lighting to make it possible. And we found a good speaker for music.
Roughly 35 secondary students came along and it was really good fun and they seemed to be positive about it. Mainly just games and time for them to be with their friends and have fun!
Managed to get some pics but not too good quality

Jona had fun yesterday as he has been helping out at the rugby club, rainy season means that it was absolutely pouring down with rain and he came home covered in mud! This was followed by 5 games of squash which he reported he very narrowly lost "due to the racket of course!" haha. Tomorrow he is going to Ndola to help out with a Volleyball tournament so he's really enjoying the sport life here :-)

We're also starting the new Sunday School this Sunday which the primaries have voted to call 'Rock of Hope' so looking forward to that too!

Tuesday 17 January 2012

A rough but good start

The term is now well underway and it almost feels as though we didn’t have a holiday! But it is great to be back into routine and to welcome lots of lovely new students!

Jona’s timetable has increased a bit but he is really enjoying teaching and is continually amazed by how quiet the students are in lessons and that they actually study!! He kicked off the term with an assembly on the first day and is also enjoying the added responsibility of being form tutor to the grade 9’s.

Unfortunately I have spent most of the first week in bed L It started with a bit of a cough and then turned into a chest infection. I am so thankful that we have good access to medicine etc and the nurse was able to give me a course of antibiotics. Was quite a tough week, feeling pants especially as I was ill a lot last term too but already feeling tones better now however I fear Jona is coming down with the same!
Fortunately I was well enough to do some team building games in the dorm last Monday night when all of the girls arrived which was great J It got them talking and interacting. 

Newspaper outfits!!

We have been booking our flights for England this week and although really enjoying it here we’re very excited to return and see friends and family!
It would be great when we return to the UK to package up some goods to be sent back on the container. If anyone has old (complete) board games, craft materials, good quality teenage clothes, unused perfume/bath sets, play station 2 games, Unwanted DVD’s (PG, 12, or undodgy 15’s)  etc then please let us know and we can try and collect it in April.
Thanks :-) 

Sunday 8 January 2012


Happy New Year to everyone! Has been a little while since I last blogged because things have been pretty uneventful here. We have just been resting and relaxing and enjoying the school site whilst it's so quiet. The borders start returning tomorrow and then it'll back into routine!

New Years we had a braai (or bbq) with friends. It was really lovely to be together, we had a few small fireworks provided by another family on the school site and lots of toasted marshmallows. Was also great for Jona and I to reflect on all that we have done and achieved in 2011- coming here to Zambia being one of the biggest things. Sometimes its tough and we really miss home but I really thank God for bringing us here :-)

Since New Years we've caught up with friends and polished up on our board gaming.

Today we went to lunch with some friends, they are involved with Amano and also the church we attend. Was such a blessing to spend time with them and their 2 girls :-)

Tomorrow is a teacher training day for Jona and I will be welcoming girls back into the dorm and plan to do some team building type activities with them :-) And then Tuesday school starts!