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We have recently applied and been successful in getting jobs at 'Amano Christian' School in Chingola, Zambia. Since getting married we have been praying about the possibility of working abroad and we now feel the timing and opportunity is right. So what will we be doing? Jona is going to be teaching science and Kerry is going to be doing youth work amongst girls in the dorms. We will be leaving in September. We would love for you to keep up to date with what we're up to!

Sunday 4 December 2011

Christmas Travels

We finished the last day of term at school on Friday with a Christmas concert performed by pupils from all of the grades! It was a brilliant performance and both Jona and I felt really privileged to be a part of Amano School
Straight after the concert on fri morning we caught a lift with a family from the school who were catching a plane in Lusaka and we needed to get to Lusaka so we could then make our journeys towards Zimbabwe for the Christmas hols. It was a 7 hour drive to Lusaka but it was great to get a lift in an air conditioned, comfortable car with good company :-)
We had previously booked a guesthouse in Lusaka so we could stay the night before heading down to Lusaka but were quite gutted when they rang to say that they had given our booking to someone else! We weren't best pleased but the manager said he would book a guesthouse somewhere for us at the same price and would escort us there once we arrived! Long story short but basically even the second guest house had given our booking to someone else. It seems whoever shows the money first gets the room! It was getting pretty late and we were tired but thankfully the manager then phoned and made another reservation at another guesthouse round the corner. We arrived to find a verrry basic guesthouse. Our room didn't even have proper running water, no mosquito net, a towel with blood on it.lol. But it was fine for just one night and was conveniently right next to the bus station for us to catch the bus to Livingstone on Saturday morning.
We had another 7 hour bus journey to Livingstone. We were thankful for air conditioning and lots of wee breaks :-) Finally arrived in  Livingstone yesterday and we're staying at a B&B called 'ZigZag'- it's really lovely with a pool and great food
Today we went into town and visited the David Livingstone Museum which was fun :-) We plan to come back to Livingstone to visit the Falls but tomorrow we will make our way to Bulawayo to visit Jona's Step Uncle and other friends. He hasn't returned to his home town in 10 years so we're really excited!


  1. Sounds like you guys are really getting an adventure - love reading the blog and finding out what you're up to, keep it up!

    Merry Christmas x

    Al and Ana

  2. Hi Jona and Kerry this sounds SOO Africa! I am just glad Jona's been there before so he knows what to expect!! I trust you will be able to enjoy a bit of luxury as well, for example a Coke at the Elephant hotel near Victoria Falls - if it still exists. I am sure the relatives will be able to give you more up-to-date tips. sending you a letter in the post, let's see if you get it. lots of love Richard and Sabine

  3. Sounds a little toooo exciting for us! But you survived and it's another experience to add to the adventure. Hope the Falls are flowing, they can be a bit quiet this time of year.
    Glad to hear you are enjoying the school. That does sound fun. Have a wonderful Christmas and we hope that 2012 is another year to remember for all the right reasons.
    Much love, Uncle T and Auntie Di.


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