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We have recently applied and been successful in getting jobs at 'Amano Christian' School in Chingola, Zambia. Since getting married we have been praying about the possibility of working abroad and we now feel the timing and opportunity is right. So what will we be doing? Jona is going to be teaching science and Kerry is going to be doing youth work amongst girls in the dorms. We will be leaving in September. We would love for you to keep up to date with what we're up to!

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Back to health!

I am pleased to say that Jona and I are now both feeling well and healthy :-) Yay!
Last week Jona only taught a few lessons as he was home most of the time trying to rest and recover.
However, we were pleased to both be OK for the weekend as we had been invited out to 'The Grill' in town for a meal. The first portion of chips in 2 months! We went with friends who are both from Zimbabwe so it was great for Jona to be able to share stories with them about Zim.

Saturday evening we had the Grade 9, 10 and 11 girls over for a meal in our flat with our friend Jarrett too! It was a great evening with lots of silly games too!

Sunday morning we held our first Primary Sunday School on the school site. Previously the children attend Bethel Chapel along with their parents and other children. However, this service is usually very long and not really aimed at younger children. So myself and Rachel (another volunteer from Ireland) decided that we would hold a Sunday School twice a month for Primary Children.
It went well :-) A bit of a trial and error but I think as it progresses it will really be of benifit to the Primaries!

We are now into a new week and I can't believe that there are now only 2 1/2 weeks until the Christmas holidays!!! The Grade 12's will be finishing their IGCSE's at the end of this week followed by a dorm party and then a leavers service and then they will be going home on Sunday. It will be a very sad day, especially in the dorm as some of these girls have been living in the dorm for years!

Some good news too is that I passed my Zambian Driving Theory Test yesterday! Quite funny as we were told to pick up our results at 3pm yesterday! But when we arrived they hadn't started marking the tests! So we had a long wait before we got out results. Because I passed I then had another long wait (amongst LOTS of others) to get the paper work sorted out. But I was sooo pleased not to have to do it all over again! Unfortunately Jona hadn't been well enough to take the test so he will have to reschedule!


  1. Hello, glad to hear you both back to health and congratulations on passing your driving theory test! It sounds like your both having a good time and coping well when things are tougher. The storms sound a cross between impressive and scary at the same time.
    Things in the uk are good, it's starting to get a but colder I'm hoping it will snow this year as I always do. I'm having a wisdom tooth out today :( but, we are off to paris on friday for harvey's 25th birthday and our 7 year anniversary so am really looking forward too that. And our most exciting news is that we have decided to start trying for a baby! So we're really excited, nervous too but we will just wait and see what happens.
    Well we love you both and hope you continue to enjoy your time there and the amazing work that you are doing. We'll send you some money for christmas, what's the best way to get it to you?

    Love you both so much xxxxxxxxx

  2. Hello you two! So pleased to hear that you are both back to full health! I will send a longer message via post/email but for now let me say we miss you! I am sooooo pleased the Sunday School worked out Kerry, keep up with it as it is a wonderful idea : ) It's much colder here now and Christams trees are popping up in the shops left, right and centre! Will you be having a tree?! : )

    Much love always,
    Vicky, Ryan and Tristan xxxxxxxxxxx

  3. Hi to the both of you. Thanks for your text Kerry, have passed on your thanks to Zill. Things all fine here, Jess and Harvey in Paris for long w/end to mark 7 years together and Harveys 25th birthday. Dan working his socks off, Liz and Ray looking forward to coming down for xmas, Scott and Sorrell counting down to wedding, we have put the flat up for sale and hope to soon be travelling. All for now, luv Richard and Chris. XXX

  4. heya kerry and jona :) You really are going for it BIG time...every time i'm on here there's new tings that you're both doing. It's great. Sounds like you're meeting quite a few people too and Im sure thats helping you feel more settled in. Do let me know any specific prayer requests. God bless you both...XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX p.s. feeling better about being here again :) went to a cool free rave over the weekend with music outside and an open fire, was lush. Working at the soupy twice a week now and just keepin on going at the cafe....I really feel i must just perservere at the moment. LOTS OF LOVE XXXXX

  5. Hello my darlings...great to be able to keep up with your news. Glad you're well again. Been praying daily for you recently especially stuff you requested.(Don't you just love the word 'stuff'!!) Well done for the lengthy Sunday School sesh....that's got to be a record!!! The couple in our church from Zim leave this week to be back with family and friends for Christmas. So excited for them. We're pukkah inside and out! Love you loads...Scott n Cally x x x


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