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We have recently applied and been successful in getting jobs at 'Amano Christian' School in Chingola, Zambia. Since getting married we have been praying about the possibility of working abroad and we now feel the timing and opportunity is right. So what will we be doing? Jona is going to be teaching science and Kerry is going to be doing youth work amongst girls in the dorms. We will be leaving in September. We would love for you to keep up to date with what we're up to!

Monday 28 November 2011

Last week of term!

I can't believe there is now only 4 working days for us before the Christmas hols. This half term has gone sooo quickly!
Sorry that it has taken us a while to update the blog but we have been having problems with our internet connection- very frustrating. But a kind friend has lent us his laptop for the day :-)
The last week was a great week despite the fact that I have come down with a cold/flu type thing :-(
Last weekend we had a bit of a sad weekend saying goodbye to the grade 12's but we had a great celebration with a dorm party/talent night. Some of the pupils sang/performed for them and even some of the teachers!The primaries and I decorated the hall :-)

On the Sunday we had a leavers service and awards etc and met some of their parents before the left to go home. Was a verrrry emotional evening in the dorm for the rest of the girls who were so sad to say goodbye.

This weekend has also been great. Fridays our are days off and this week we decided to catch a lift with the school trip going to Ndola for a cricket match. We were offered a lift and we could then be dropped off at a shopping mall type thing and then picked up afterward! Ndola is about 2 hours away so it was a long trip there. When we got there we dropped off the cricketers at 'Simba international school' where the matches took place. The headteacher then gave the driver instructions to the shopping mall which was about 5 mins away. BUT...unfortuantely the driver had is own ideas on directions and even though we had actually seen and driven past the mall he still insisted it was in the opposite direction. So we had to sit patiently until he finally admitted after about 20 mins of dirt tracks etc that we were lost. lol.Thankfully Jona had remembered the route back and an hour later (also after a mini break down!!) we found the shopping mall and only had time for a quick trolley dash! Was frustrating at the time but a memory we shall remember with laughter!
And we managed to catch the end of the girls playing cricket which was good :-)

This weekend was the last one before we break up for Christmas so we were getting a bit christmasey in the dorm. I discovered that there was an old christmas tree stashed away in one of the cupboards which had been sent over a few years ago so the girls and I decided to put it up! Quite funny when its baking hot outside!!

So altogether its been a brilliant few weeks! Hope all is well at home!
Jona and Kerry x

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Back to health!

I am pleased to say that Jona and I are now both feeling well and healthy :-) Yay!
Last week Jona only taught a few lessons as he was home most of the time trying to rest and recover.
However, we were pleased to both be OK for the weekend as we had been invited out to 'The Grill' in town for a meal. The first portion of chips in 2 months! We went with friends who are both from Zimbabwe so it was great for Jona to be able to share stories with them about Zim.

Saturday evening we had the Grade 9, 10 and 11 girls over for a meal in our flat with our friend Jarrett too! It was a great evening with lots of silly games too!

Sunday morning we held our first Primary Sunday School on the school site. Previously the children attend Bethel Chapel along with their parents and other children. However, this service is usually very long and not really aimed at younger children. So myself and Rachel (another volunteer from Ireland) decided that we would hold a Sunday School twice a month for Primary Children.
It went well :-) A bit of a trial and error but I think as it progresses it will really be of benifit to the Primaries!

We are now into a new week and I can't believe that there are now only 2 1/2 weeks until the Christmas holidays!!! The Grade 12's will be finishing their IGCSE's at the end of this week followed by a dorm party and then a leavers service and then they will be going home on Sunday. It will be a very sad day, especially in the dorm as some of these girls have been living in the dorm for years!

Some good news too is that I passed my Zambian Driving Theory Test yesterday! Quite funny as we were told to pick up our results at 3pm yesterday! But when we arrived they hadn't started marking the tests! So we had a long wait before we got out results. Because I passed I then had another long wait (amongst LOTS of others) to get the paper work sorted out. But I was sooo pleased not to have to do it all over again! Unfortunately Jona hadn't been well enough to take the test so he will have to reschedule!

Tuesday 8 November 2011

A bit of a week!!! :-S

Unfortunately last week and this week so far have been a bit tough :-(
Last week I fell quite ill and in the end it was felt maybe I had an infection so I was given some antibiotics. It was quite a hard time of just staying in the flat mainly in bed. But thankfully I recovered well and am now feeling a lot better. However, today Jona seems to have come down with the same thing :-( And so he is now tucked up in bed! It is quite tough when you are missing people and the comforts of home. But I thank God that we have each other!
In the midst of all this I felt well enough to be on duty at the weekend in the dorm and thank God that it was another brilliant weekend! Saturday morning the primary children in the dorms played a friendly football match with a team which was put together by friends who work at a local home for street children.
Everyone seemed to enjoy it! The sun was shining and it was a great time to chat with people involved with a different type of project.
Saturday afternoon, Tanja (one of the German volunteers) and I prepared a craft for the secondary girls and we enjoyed decorating photoframes (which I had bought with me from UK) :-)
 Tanja! We are on duty together :-)

Sunday was another crazy storm! There was a Family Fellowship Service at the school in the new building. But the rain was so heavy on the tin roofing that the sermon had to stop because no one could hear the preacher! And later we discovered that the tin roofing on the carpentry workshop had been ripped off! I've never seen rain/thunder/lightning so intense! On Sunday afternoon Jona went to help repair the roof with some others.
Last night we had a lovely time with some other teachers and we really feel we are making some good friends here :-)
We hope everyone at home is well and we are always grateful to hear your news too :-)

Jona and Kerry x