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We have recently applied and been successful in getting jobs at 'Amano Christian' School in Chingola, Zambia. Since getting married we have been praying about the possibility of working abroad and we now feel the timing and opportunity is right. So what will we be doing? Jona is going to be teaching science and Kerry is going to be doing youth work amongst girls in the dorms. We will be leaving in September. We would love for you to keep up to date with what we're up to!

Sunday 24 June 2012

Busy busy Busy ......Rest :)

Sorry for not writing sooner but as the title says it has been really busy at up too a lot of stuff. Jon was a judge at the primary science fair and they said that he asked very hard questions but they did well there was some really cool experiments. This week the exams have just finished and so Jon has been doing lots of marking. Yesterday we had a good bye party for Ulfert who has worked here for 4 and half years, lots of food and some games. Also several others are also leaving Fransizka from Germany who has been working in the school and Mr sammuel and Chris who have been working in the dorm and building site.  Also two new people arrived from England called Matt and Louise, the weird thing is that we visited there church in Poole last year but they had their wedding that day, which is weird connection.
 as promised the New Ndola stadium pics, was really nice so nice that even the toilets some people were posing and getting pictures taken in. The stadium holds 41000 and it was about 98% full stadium worked well although the traffic was another mission.
 from left Marcus, Mr samuel, Johhanus, Frank, Chris, Jon, Daniel, Jarrett, Margret.

Mr Samuel with a snake one of the 6Th formers found DEAD, Luck for him as he rode over it on his bike and if alive would have killed him as it was a 2.5 meter to 3 meter BLACK Mamba.!!!!! Also below another funny Picture Look at the spelling of team !!! lol

 This week we are off to Solwezi (2 hours journey) to give out clothes and gifts to people there, then travel down to Lusaka by bus ready to see Kerry's cousin on Friday and bring her back to school and then on Sunday travel to Ndola.  A Lot of travelling but hope to have a nice relaxing few days before the busyness starts again .... enjoy

Saturday 16 June 2012

voovoozalla's and cake sculpting!!

Cannot believe we are already halfway through June! We have now been here at Amano for 9 months- time is passing so quickly!

We’ve had a busy but brilliant few weeks. We had a lovely time celebrating Jon’s birthday on the 5th. I had bought some goodies back with us from England in April- the sight of a packet of minstrels was pretty overwhelming! Haha.  The girls in the dorm had made him LOTS of cards so our mantelpiece is full! And we went out for a lovely meal at a local restaurant which was a real treat.

Last Saturday Jon went with some guys to watch a live football match in Ndola- Ghana verses Zambia. He said the atmosphere was overwhelming! Voovoozellas, screaming, shouting! Thankfully Zambia won J (photo’s to follow at some point!).

Last week one of the 6th form pupils found a dead Black Mamba snake in the bush and decided to bring it back to show us all. Wish I had taken a picture but it was sooooo long and very scary!!! These snakes are deadly. eek. 

We’ve been having great fun at T4:12- This Thursday we did a ‘cake sculpting’ competition. The youth got into teams and were each given a plain slab of cake which they had to sculpt into something creative! Was so funny and they really got into it.  Especially Mr Matt who ended up putting his face in one of the cakes.

 Jarrett and I now have our own 'youth office' and we allowed the young people to go a bit wild with the paint!

Mr Jarrett did a talk about the ‘fear of failure’ which was very apt for the young people as they are all in the midst of exams.

Yesterday we had a FANTASTIC day out as we went to visit another mission school in a place called Masaiti. It was about a 2 hour journey and very rural- out in the sticks! It is a Christian teacher training college with a model primary school on site where the teachers can gain experience. The primary schools intake is mainly all from the local village so the school fees are extremely low (the equivalent of £1.20 per month). It was so encouraging and inspiring to walk around the school, the kids were so welcoming! They also have a farm and an orchard, the idea being that the place is self-sustainable. We both fell in love with the place and hope to use this inspiration to encourage Amano. Their whole approach to everything; farming, community work, school is Christ-Centred! And you can really sense that too. There was a wonderfully peaceful and inspiring atmosphere.

We have one week left here until half term. My cousin Lauren will arrive here at the end of half term which we are really looking forward to. So we have decided to double up with collecting her and have a few days beforehand in a hotel in Lusaka to chill and have some time together.

Friday 1 June 2012

Fun at the fair!

Another busy but great week here at Amano. Last Thursday we continued our theme of silly Olympics at T4:12, this time we had mop javelin and more crazy wheelie chair races! Overall, Ivory Coast were the winners and received their big bag of sweets! We also continued our talks based around the theme of ‘Freedom’ and Mr Jarrett talked about being free of worry.

Friday was Africa Freedom Day and we had the school fair organized by the PTA- fundraising for the school. It was an excellent day and brilliant to see the students so involved with setting up their own stalls and helping out! There was popcorn, beauty salon, face painting, mini bouncy castle, lucky dip, playstation playing! lots! 
We also had a tug of war where unfortunately the students beat the staff which meant they got given a non school uniform day as a prize!

Sat and Sun we both had the weekend off and enjoyed relaxing. Finishing the week with boarders fellowship.
Many of the students here are gearing up for their mock exams and various tests etc, please hold them in your prayers and the teachers too as everything gets more busy!