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We have recently applied and been successful in getting jobs at 'Amano Christian' School in Chingola, Zambia. Since getting married we have been praying about the possibility of working abroad and we now feel the timing and opportunity is right. So what will we be doing? Jona is going to be teaching science and Kerry is going to be doing youth work amongst girls in the dorms. We will be leaving in September. We would love for you to keep up to date with what we're up to!

Monday 26 September 2011


Can't believe we actually leave tomorrow! Woop!
Both feeling bit nervous but reallly excited too. Done the last bits of packing so pretty much good to go now.
Our flight is at 8pm tomorrow so please do pray for us. We arrive in Lusaka Zambia at 11.45am on Wed 28th. Hopefully a taxi will meet us and take us to a nearby guest house where we can have lunch and have a freshen up before getting picked up and flown (in a private light aircraft-eek) to Chingola, which takes another 1.5 hrs.
So it's going to be quite a trek but really looking forward to getting there now and getting stuck in!

We've had a good few days of visiting more people and saying our goodbyes. We had a lovely bbq on Saturday with a few friends as a little farewell. Jona's parents prepared a feast!
 Des (Jona's Dad) Chief BBQ'er

and Helen (Chief eater!) haha.

 But of course the hardest goodbye of all is our dog Barney!

Next time we blog we will hopefully be in Zambia! Woop!

Wednesday 21 September 2011

6 days to go!

Can't believe how incredibly quick the time has flown by since I last blogged and now there is only 6 days until we fly!
Both feeling absolutely exhausted today as we have spent lots of time rushing around doing last minute bits and bobs and visiting lots of wonderful family and friends! We were really blessed by our church cell group on Saturday with a 4 course meal as a goodbye. We have been fattening up before we go by eating out pretty much every night!
This is a picture of us having a meal with some great friends from Uganda; great to hear stories about what we might expect from African culture. Gordon even showed us some 'bum shaking' African dance moves! Lots of laughs :-)

So today we both did a bit of a trolley dash in Southampton and managed to get some last minute clothes, a solar powered desk light for the power cuts we've been told to expect and other bits and bobs.

Just got home this evening and had some great news! We had an email from a Charitable Trust to say that they are going to give us some money towards our medical and travel insurance which is brill as it was pretty expensive! Feel so blessed by peoples generosity and kindness and Gods incredible faithfulness to us.

The other good news is that Number One Suitcase is fully packed and ready to go! (Mainly thanks to a husband with excellent packing skills unlike me who just chucks it in!) Woop!

Wednesday 14 September 2011

The packing has begun!

We have had a great few weeks continuing to visit family and friends!
We had a BRILLIANT time in Cornwall visiting my Mum and Dad in Bude and then my brother and his girlfriend near Falmouth- lots of long walks, yummy food and good company :-) We also saw lots of other friends at church and Scott and Cally (my old youth workers) in Truro and an old friend has been staying with us for a few days. Quite sad to say goodbyes but we know it won't be too long before we say hello again.

So now that all the visiting is over reality is kicking in. And today is our first day of packing!

Jona in the loft!

Me packing boxes!

So we are currently surrounded by hecticness and mess! But it feels good to be working towards getting ready to go and packing our suitcases!

Friday 2 September 2011


Returned home from Northern Ireland yesterday, had a brilliant rest of our stay, saw LOADS of Jona's family- so much fun and laughter. feel so blessed to have had time with them all :-)                                 Thought I'd post a few pics of our time there!
This is us with quite a lot of Jona's cousins and Aunty and Uncle.
 Jona's cousin Conrad!
Having a bbq with family!

 When we returned from Ireland we had a quick stop in Oxford to say goodbye to Ruth, John and David. Jona and I both felt very sad saying goodbye to them, it's not forever but we know it'll be a while before we see them again.

Lots of washing to do back in Southampton before we head off to Cornwall tomorrow to see my side of the family.

 Managed to pick up our anti malarials- thanks to the cheeriest pharmacist we've ever met- Martin- thank you! Also received a few more generous gifts towards our trip- we are getting there now with out fundraising! Thanks to everyone who has given!