About Me

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We have recently applied and been successful in getting jobs at 'Amano Christian' School in Chingola, Zambia. Since getting married we have been praying about the possibility of working abroad and we now feel the timing and opportunity is right. So what will we be doing? Jona is going to be teaching science and Kerry is going to be doing youth work amongst girls in the dorms. We will be leaving in September. We would love for you to keep up to date with what we're up to!

Sunday 28 August 2011


Wow! Really can't believe it is now only 4 weeks until we fly out to Zambia.
We are having a lovely time of respite and relaxing in Ireland at the moment with Jona's African side of the family. It's great but also dawning on us both that we will soon have to say our goodbyes and won't see them again for quite some time.... We met some of their family friends last week called Marius and Megan who are travelling the world, they were a very inspiring couple and they told us stories about their travels in Africa and how beautiful Zambia is. Got us excited about the journey ahead :-)

We return from Ireland on Thurs and are then off to Cornwall to visit my family for a week or so and say goodbye to family and friends down South.AND THEN...we will pack! lol. Not looking forward to fitting all the stuff we need into a couple of suitcases!

Please continue to pray for us as we say goodbye to friends and family and prepare ourselves for all that is to come.

Friday 19 August 2011

Amano School Picture Intro

Thought we would upload some pictures and more info about Amano School where we will be moving to in 5 weeks!!!!
Jona and I just been on a short break away and now we will spend about 3 weeks visiting as many friends and family as we can :-)
Please keep praying for us as we start to think about packing to go and packing up things into boxes here too!   Pray also for our trust in God as we start to get butterflies. 
Thanks to everyone who has given financially, we wouldn't be able to volunteer at the school without your support . We are slowly creeping up to our target but still a little way to go. 
Kerry and Jona x

Tuesday 9 August 2011

It's August Already!

Can't believe we are already in August, time is flying sooo fast!
Jona and I were looking at our diaries yesterday and realising how the time prior to us leaving is going to fly by! We have crammed our diaries filled with visiting lovely family and friends, so many people to see and so little time before we go!
I only have 3 days before I leave my job now too, it's slightly nerve racking not only saying goodbye to my amazing work colleagues and elderly tenants but also to a stable salary :-S eek. But Jona and I have felt sooo blessed by others and are sure that this step of faith is the right move. Thank you to everyone who has been supporting and donating financially but also thank you to those who have been so encouraging with their words. 
Yesterday we invested in a 'Kindle', (a technical device type thingy which you can downloads lots of books on to), we thought it'd be good to download lots of resouces and books on to for Zambia and resources for the school rather than filling our cases with heavy books. (So I can fit more Haribo into my case too! haha)

We have been communicating with the school and there is a strong possibility that I will be teaching PSHE and I was wandering if any youth workers reading this had any PSHE type resources that might be handy whilst out there?

Thanks x